About the Hotel
The Hotel Residenza in Farnese offers a pleasant stay in a climate of cordialty in the charme of an ancient house.
At number 59 of Via del Mascherone, between Palazzo Farnese and Via Giulia, the Hotel Residenza in Farnese rises. It anciently belonged to the Military Order of the Teutonici Knights of the Blessed Virgin; in 1800 the house became property of the Sinibaldi Family that cured the restoration renewing the facade with the style of 1700, conferring to the construction prestige and importance.
Near the hotel the visitors can enjoy a walk on the Lungotevere or in Via Giulia, and can dip in the colorful joy of Campo dei Fiori, one of the most ancient and characteristic roman markets. It required a visit to wonderful Piazza Navona one of the best place in Rome that is about 300 meters from the hotel. The Hosts, upon request, can use a practical and safe paying parking, in the inner courtyard.
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